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Making a Difference


The Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau PHL Diversity in partnership with Temple University School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management and Lodging Media produced the 2019 Diversity & Inclusion Conference March 25th & 26th at The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Philadelphia 10 Avenue of The Arts.

The Diversity & Inclusion Conference is a multi-industry and education summit dedicated to the exchange of insights and concepts about Diversity & Inclusion best practices.

Our goal was to provide a learning forum to discuss strategies that can influence corporate social responsibility and broaden cross-cultural understanding, producing critical dialogue and exchange of information for effective tactics.

Academic Think Tank

Unique to this conference was a Think Tank specifically designed for deans, directors, faculty and Diversity & Inclusion practitioners to discuss ideas and recommendations regarding latest Diversity & Inclusion thinking about educational design, barriers and disparities on university campuses, and research-based bench marking for academic Diversity & Inclusion programs.

The conversation around diversity and inclusion in higher education was elevated by discussing best practices for incorporating diversity and inclusion content into academic programs, program strategies to enhance the experience for a diverse population of students, and how diversity and inclusion impacts faculty recruitment and retention.

Proceeds from the Diversity & Inclusion Conference will benefit students at Temple University’s School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management (STHM)

In Cooperation With