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Why Attend?


The Philadelphia Diversity & Inclusion Conference is a cross industry summit dedicated to the exchange of insights and concepts about diversity, equity and inclusion best practices. Our goal is to provide a forum to discuss strategies that can influence corporate social responsibility and broaden cross-cultural understanding.

At the 2020 Philadelphia Diversity & Inclusion Conference you will:

  • LEARN how to incorporate the critical components of diversity, equity and inclusion into your organization’s corporate culture

  • ENSURE that your organization’s diversity, inclusion and equity strategy aligns with its business objectives

  • HEAR research about what customers want from diversity, inclusion and equity focused organizations

  • REVIEW accountability mechanisms to measure the success of your diversity, inclusion and equity initiatives

  • UNDERSTAND how a globally inclusive and culturally dynamic workforce can be created


The Philadelphia Diversity & Inclusion Conference is designed for CEOs, corporate leaders, Chief Diversity Officers government officials, and university-level educators and administrators who are all seeking new innovative, forward thinking diversity, equity and inclusion strategies.

Want to attend but need materials to support your request? Download our Professional Development Opportunity template here.


JOIN OUR “THINK TANK” specifically designed for deans, directors, faculty and diversity, equity and inclusion practitioners to discuss ideas and recommendations regarding latest diversity, equity and inclusion thinking about educational design, barriers and disparities on university campuses, and research-based benchmarking for academic diversity, equity and inclusion programs.